Melissa and the Usual Suspects embark on a musical journey marked by compelling performances on renowned stages. From the vibrant Esplanade Outdoor Theatre to sold-out shows at the Esplanade Recital Studio, this quintet consistently captivates audiences. Their impressive resume includes major festivals like the Singapore Food Festival, OCBC Sports Hub Table Tennis World Championships, and the Ngee Ann City Great Christmas Village. Whether delivering high-octane sets at F1 cocktail events or adding sophistication to Citigold gatherings, the band’s lineup features Melissa Fitzgerald’s commanding vocals, Nick’s electrifying guitars, Colin Teo’s steadfast bass, Artly’s rhythmic beats, and Ezal Sani’s enchanting keyboard melodies. Their versatility extends to memorable occasions such as weddings, anniversaries, and special events, making Melissa and the Usual Suspects a must-listen for enthusiasts of diverse and captivating tunes.